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May 15, 2020

“Boogaloo Boys” – individuals associated with an online community characterized by calls for civil strife and ownership of firearms and tactical gear – have advocated for an armed revolution online and at public rallies for months. On April 11, one self-proclaimed “Boogaloo Boy” allegedly used Facebook Live to show himself attempting to murder police.

Criminal Justice Reform
Active Case

Date Filed

May 15, 2020

After the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) failed to adequately respond to public records requests by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ĂŰĚŇ´«Ă˝ sued the department for the documents outlining the prison system’s policies for addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in its facilities. The lawsuit...

Attention on Detention
May 13, 2020

Karime, a transgender woman who is being held in immigration detention, is forced to share a packed dorm room with 45 men who sleep in cots less than three feet apart.

The guards don’t wear masks or gloves, and if someone gets sick, they have to make a request to see a member of the medical staff, which can take up to four days for a response.

Adding insult to unhealthy practices, Karime must share two showers and two bathrooms with the men; some of them make unwanted sexual advances toward her and threaten to beat her up.
