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Preventing Youth Radicalization: Building Resilient, Inclusive Communities


ÃÛÌÒ´«Ã½ and the Polarization & Extremism Research & Innovation Lab (PERIL) are committed to providing resources to the people building community resilience against extremism and for a more just and inclusive society. The following resources are intended to provide community- and victim-centered strategies to address the threat of extremism through early prevention and non-carceral solutions. Originally published in June 2020, A Parents & Caregivers Guide to Online Youth Radicalization lays a foundation for understanding the nature of extremism, dynamics of radicalization, and steps you can take to prevent them from taking root in your community. Added to the suite of resources in November 2022, A Community Guide to Online Youth Radicalization extends that foundation out to all trusted adults within a young person’s network of care. To support whole-of-community resilience against manipulation by extremist beliefs, this guide provides guidance specific to the varying roles adults take on in young people’s lives. This page also provides supplemental material to deepen support for educators, counselors, coaches, and others who work alongside youth.

If you yourself, a friend or family member, or someone you know needs immediate support, please contact Life After Hate through its ExitUSA program.

If you believe that you yourself, a friend or family member, or someone you know has been the victim of a hate crime or criminal harassment by extremists, please contact the VictimConnect Resource Center (en Español) via their website or through their helpline: 855-4-VICTIM (855-484-2846)


The Parents & Caregivers Guide to Online Youth Radicalization

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Nov 16

Community Guide

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Assessments & Impact

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Educators’ Supplement

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Counselors’ Supplement

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Coaches’ & Mentors’ Supplement

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Special Topics in Online Youth Radicalization

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How to Get More Help

Op-Eds & Media Appearances


The Year in Hate & Extremism 2023

We tracked 1,430 hate and extremist groups in 2023. Hate has no place in our country. Add your name to help us fight hate.