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Features and Stories
August 22, 2013

Three radical-right propagandists who spread extremist messages through racist cartoons, Internet videos and even tours glorifying Nazi landmarks are exposed in the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report, released today.

Features and Stories
August 05, 2013

A year ago today, a neo-Nazi walked into a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and opened fire with a 9 mm pistol. The Sunday morning attack left six people dead and four others injured. The gunman, a white-power musician, eventually turned the gun on himself after a police officer shot him in the stomach.

Features and Stories
May 29, 2013

A bloody battle that erupted when anti-racists stormed a suburban Chicago restaurant and attacked white nationalists with bats and batons last year is just the latest skirmish in a decades-long war between white supremacists and “anti-fascists” that continues to rage, according to the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s ,released today.

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
March 01, 2013

The future of the ‘sovereign’ Republic for the united States of America is in doubt following the indictment of its leader

Features and Stories
November 16, 2012

Hundreds of thousands of disgruntled conservatives, still smarting from the re-election of President Obama, are signing petitions to allow more than 30 states to secede from the United States — and they are being joined by a motley collection of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and Klan sympathizers.

Features and Stories
September 15, 2012

In 1999, Republican National Committee Chair Jim Nicholson called for party members to shun the Council of Conservative Citizens, a group that described African-Americans as “a retrograde species of humanity.”

Features and Stories
September 14, 2012

The Ҵý and a coalition of human rights groups are calling on public officials not to attend the upcoming Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., because its host, the Family Research Council, has spread demonizing lies about the LGBT community, and because one of its co-sponsors, the American Family Association, has linked homosexuality to the Holocaust. 

Features and Stories
August 20, 2012

The murderous attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin this past Sunday by neo-Nazi skinhead Wade Michael Page was just the latest in a series of by the radical right in recent months and years. It comes in the midst of explosive growth on the radical right – growth fueled by America’s increasing diversity, its economic problems and the election of the nation’s first black president.
