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September 07, 2016

A federal judge in North Dakota followed prosecutors’ recommendations in sentencing a Minnesota man to 15 years in prison Tuesday for using a Molotov cocktail to burn down a Somali café in Grand Forks, N.D., late last year

August 25, 2016

Hours before Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is scheduled to deliver a speech in Reno, Nev., slamming Donald Trump for his connections to the Alt-Right, the racist core leadership of the ideology is collectively tripping over itself trying to take credit for its unexpected success.

August 24, 2016

A vigilante anti-immigrant group called the Borderkeepers of Alabama is sending teams of men clad in camouflage and equipped with thousands of dollars in military weaponry to patrol for undocumented immigrants in Arizona and New Mexico.

August 24, 2016

Hate crime and first-degree murder charges were filed Tuesday against a Tulsa man accused of killing his neighbor after months of racially-charged animus directed at the victim and his Lebanese-American family.
