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Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 11, 2018

The radical right started the year on a roll, with allies in the White House. But then came Charlottesville, and the movement was knocked back on its heels. Still, Trump's rhetoric and the country's changing demographics continue to buoy the movement.

October 09, 2017

For the racist “alt-right” and white nationalist crowd, the song “Charlottesville Ballad (War is Coming)” by “folk” musician Paddy Tarleton (identified as Patrick Corcoran by , a newspaper in Delaware) has been the song of late summer in 2017.

March 07, 2017

Charles Powne, owner of Soleilmoon Recordings, recently responded to an inquiry from Portland, Oregon’s Willamette Weekly(WW) regarding Ҵý’s listing of his music label as a seller of “Hate Music.” Powne said, "The solution to bad speech is not to shut it down, but to overcome it with more speech.”

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

White power music was in trouble. But then racist bands discovered iTunes, and now they're back in business.