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April 28, 2017

BERKELEY, California — Antigovernment extremists stood shoulder-to-shoulder with "alt-right" extremists and anti-feminists. Nearby, a ragtag mix of Trump supporters were draped in American flags and decked in helmets stickered with images of Pepe the Frog, the popular cartoon frog meme employed by the white nationalist “alt-right.” 

They carried clubs and medical kits, radios and reinforcement in the event of violent skirmishes that have shaken the University of California, Berkeley campus. But by Thursday’s end, the next chapter in what Richard Spencer has called “The Battle of Berkeley” was a bust.

February 23, 2017

“Breitbart is a company staffed almost entirely by Jews,” said Milo Yiannopolous last November when asked about accusations of anti-Semitism made against his former boss, Stephen Bannon. “I am a gay Jew, and he made me into a star.”

February 21, 2017

As President Trump is pressured to substantively respond to the rise in anti-Semitic incidents since his election, a new analysis reveals that Breitbart News under Trump's chief strategist Stephen Bannon fostered a comment section — a sample of Breitbart’s readership — that increasingly reflected language specific to the white nationalist “alt-right” movement, including anti-Semitic sentiment. 

Intelligence Report
Spring Issue
February 09, 2017

Propelled by the Trump campaign and a new focus on the 'alt-right,' the Daily Stormer is now the top hate site in America.
