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Children's Rights

Date Filed

May 30, 2007

The Holmes County School District in Mississippi was systematically violating the rights of students with disabilities by failing to provide them with the educational services required under federal law. The district has agreed to a plan that will help ensure students with disabilities are identified and given educational services required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act.

Features and Stories
May 25, 2007

Immigration is a complex subject – one that deserves a robust, democratic debate. But there is no room for demagoguery that poisons the discussion with falsehoods and encourages bigotry and racist extremism.

Features and Stories
May 25, 2007

A new court filing reveals sordid details of the government's case against long-time neo-Nazi leader Kevin Alfred Strom, who was charged earlier this year with possession of child pornography, witness tampering and "enticing" a young girl.

Features and Stories
May 23, 2007

The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps (MCDC), a nativist extremist group whose "civilian border watch" operations generated widespread media coverage and a flood of donations, appears to be imploding.
