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April 08, 2019

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Después de que Raúl se negó a unirse al ejército cubano y alzarse en armas contra civiles, la policía lo arrastró del campo de fútbol y lo llevó a la cárcel, donde lo amenazaron y lo atacaron brutalmente. Con tan solo 19 años, él sintió que no tenía otra opción más que dejar atrás la dictadura opresiva de su país de origen. Llegó a los EEUU con la esperanza de ser tratado de manera más justa.

April 08, 2019

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En marzo de 2018, la policía cubana se llevó a Adrián Toledo Flores a una celda de prisión, lo golpeó violentamente, y lo tiraron contra un fregadero.

Mientras comenzaba a sangrar, uno de los oficiales dijo, “No mereces estar en este país”.

April 08, 2019
Melissa Crow, senior supervising attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center statement on Innovation Law Lab. v. Nielson: "Today’s victory is especially important amidst reports that the Trump administration is planning to move toward...
April 08, 2019

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After fleeing persecution in Cuba, Yerandy Valdes Ruiz was swiftly locked up at Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center in May 2018. For over eight months, he was deprived of the medical attention he needed just to stay alive.

April 08, 2019

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During a crisp, cool evening in Cuba, police barreled into Rodrigo’s home and brutally beat him with their batons – striking his stomach, shoulders and back. He fell to the floor and rolled over in pain. He listened as police warned him they could “make him disappear.” Then, he watched them scurry off into the night. 

April 08, 2019

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As Jose Antonio Hernandez Viera said goodbye to his 6-year-old daughter in Cuba, he was distraught. She suffers from terminal brain cancer, and needs his emotional and financial care. 

But Viera had no choice. The political persecution he was facing had reached its peak, and he would die if he were to remain in his home country, leaving his daughter fatherless. 

April 08, 2019

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Two Cuban police officers barged into Brayan Lazaro Rodriguez Rodriguez’s home, handcuffed him, and shoved him to the floor. They beat him in the face with their batons, and broke one of his teeth. They labeled him a “criminal,” and locked him up at a nearby prison.
