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Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

After the neo-Nazi Aryan Nations posted a memo on their website purporting to prove a law enforcement plot to murder the group's leadership, the FBI and Seattle police have launched an investigation.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

WGNU-AM, broadcasting from St. Louis, features 'The Couch Potato,' a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance offering 'family radio for concerned white people.'

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

After conviction in Germany for Holocaust denial activities, which are illegal under the German constitution, Germar Rudolf is seeking political asylum in the U.S.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

Avowed neo-Nazi Bill White has recently bought a group of rental properties in Roanoke, Va., in what he calls a 'ghetto beautification project.'

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

The late founder of the neo-Nazi National Alliance spent his life spurring American extremism — but his most infamous legacy is his ultra-violent race-war narrative, The Turner Diaries, which continues to inspire extremist fiction today.

Intelligence Report
Fall Issue
October 14, 2004

Tom Parker is counting on his ties to former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to help him win election to the court in 2004. But Parker isn't commenting on his ties to neo-Confederates and white supremacists.
