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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

A federal judge this October dismissed charges of sexual enticement of a 10-year-old girl and witness intimidation against neo-Nazi leader Kevin Alfred Strom, but only after two days of lurid and extremely compromising testimony.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Border Patrol agents Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos and José Alonso Compean attacked an unarmed border-crosser who was trying to surrender, shot at him 15 times and wounded him as he fled, then tampered with the crime scene and failed to report the shooting as required to their supervisors.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Anti-gay activists who picketed a funeral have lost a huge judgment for inflicting emotional distress. It's unclear if the verdict will hold since Phelps' offensive speech is aimed at private, not public, persons.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Polygamous prophet Warren Jeffs has been convicted on two counts of rape as an accomplice and faces up to life in prison when he is sentenced late this year. This is Jeffs' first criminal conviction, although the cult leader faces civil lawsuits in several other cases filed by former followers.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

Even more radical than the prison gang that spawned it, the Aryan Circle, blamed in a recent cop-killing, has officials worried

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
December 01, 2007

When North East White Pride (NEWP) announced it would protest in front of Boston's Afro-American History Museum on Martin Luther King Day 2006, the New England neo-Nazis were hoping to draw a crowd and garner attention for their fledgling organization.
