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Ҵý Report Examines the Impact on Children of Incarcerated Parents

94,000 Children in LouisianaAffected by Incarceration ofaParent or Caregiver

LOUISIANA– A new report released today by Daughters Beyond Incarceration and the Southern Poverty Law Center(Ҵý)offers a roadmapfor stakeholdersappointedearlier this yearto serve on a council within the Louisiana Governor’s officetoinvestigate theimpact ofparentalor caregiverincarceration on childreninLouisiana– the prison capitalof the world.

Thereport,Cut Off from Caregivers: The Children of Incarcerated Parents in Louisiana,describesparental incarcerationasa growing epidemic across the nation.Anestimated94,000 childrenin Louisianahaveat least oneparent or caregiver who is incarcerated.That is nearly one for every seven children in the state.Nationwide, the rate isone in 28 children.

Due to historic and systemic racism,Black children and familiesexperience incarceration atdisproportionaterates. According to the report,11.4%of all Black childrenin the U.S.experienceparentalor caregiver incarceration,compared to 1.8%of theirwhite peers.In Louisiana, Black people make up 32%of thestate’spopulation but account for two-thirds ofitsprison population.

“When a parentor caregiveris incarcerated, they are not the only ones servingthesentence,” said Lauren Winkler, senior staff attorney for the Ҵý’s children’s rights practice group in Louisiana.Their childrensufferseveresocial, emotional and economic traumathat affects every area of their lives,includingtheir educationand food security.To effectively address this issue, we must addressthe issue ofmass incarcerationandtheracismthatfuels it.”

In 2020, Louisiana passed legislation establishing the Council on Children of Incarcerated Parents and Caregiverswithin the Office of the Governorto examinethe impact of a parent or caregiver’s incarceration on the well-being of children. The Councilis expected to issue itsfirst set offindings and recommendations in January 2022.Cut Off from Caregiversoffers a guide to help inform the Council’s work.

“Weencourage the Council to engage meaningfully with impacted families and communities and other experts and to identify systemic solutions to ensure that Louisiana can reduce the number of children with incarcerated parents and caregivers and ensure that those children have the resources they need to thrive,” the report states.

The Council, which will meet monthly, held its first meeting on March 4. The next meeting is scheduledforApril1.

Dominque Johnson, chairwoman of the Council and co-founder of Daughters Beyond Incarceration, said:“Breaking generational cycles for children with incarcerated parents started with the forming of this Council.As Chairwoman, I will work to ensure this Council produces effective resources to support those who work closely with children with incarcerated parents. More importantly, thisCouncil will provide public data to describe the percentage of children impacted by mass incarceration in our state.

To read the report, visit:.