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ճմEfrén C. Olivares, Deputy Legal Director of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (Ҵý)Immigrant Justice Project, released the following statement to join the  to observe internationalWorld Refugee Dayon June 20. For more than two decades, nations around the world, humanitarian aid workers and government officials chose this day to honor the strength, courage and resilient spirit of those who have been forced to flee their homes.

“In 2022,worldwide were forcibly displaced by persecution, conflict, violence, human rights violations and extreme poverty. That included refugees, internally displaced people and asylum seekers from scores of countries on every continent. The UN Refugee Agency now projects aboutwill leave Ukraine.

“The U.S. admitted only, the lowest number since Congress passed thefor people fleeing persecution in their country of origin. This sharp decline fell far below the nation’s cap of 62,500 refugees for 2021.

“Last year,son horseback infamously chased Black Haitian asylum-seekers with reins raised like a lash at the southern border. The recent U.S.under a practice known as Title 42 hasٳ󲹳are treated differently than other migrants. Last month,represented 60 percent of expulsion flights while only representing aboutof border crossers.await Haitian asylum-seekers seeking protection when they are expelled. At leastwhen their boat capsized, as they sought survival and fled gang-related violence, poverty, political instability and extreme disasters.

“fleeing violence and persecution, also often face remarkably high numbers of sexual assault and extreme violence along their perilous journey. Discrimination and abuse continue at immigration detention centers, often with impunity. Racist and homophobic actions on both sides of the border for migrants that seek protection – legally available under domestic and international law – violate the human rights of refugees and asylum-seekers.

“The Ҵý is defending the rights of refugees and asylum seekers inamyriadofways.We confront the rejection of asylum seekersthrough a series of lawsuits that seek to protect their rights. This month, theҴý urged revisions to a new federal rule that denies due process rights to asylum seekers.ճdzܲdzܰSoutheast Immigrant Freedom Initiative(SIFI),we represent hundreds of asylum seekers who are trapped in dehumanizing prisons contracted byU.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to help them secure their release, defend their human rights and ultimately obtain protection anda safe haveninAmerica.

“Today we honortheir, powerful, and.AsDayana,one formerҴýSIFIclient bravely stated,‘My journey to the U.S. and path to protection was difficult and traumatizing. I suffered prolonged detention in a Louisiana jail while seeking asylum, which was especially horrible for me as a trans woman. As a political dissident, I speak out today against this injustice not only for my LGBTQbrothers and sisters, but forall ofmy fellow asylum seekers whose lives have been directly harmed by failed U.S. foreign and domestic policy.’We can and must do better.

“Werenewthe Ҵý’surgent call upon the administration for equitable, especially forthose who face discrimination and abuse.As wecommemorateWorld Refugee Day, the Ҵý remains committed todefendingthe rights ofallmigrants toreceivea just,humane and welcoming immigration systemhonoringtheir human rights.”

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