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Not Making The Grade: School funding policies in eight Southern states fail students of color and those living in poverty, new report says

Funding for public schools across the South continues to lag far behind the rest of the nation, a failure that is having an outsized impact on students of colorand students living in or near poverty, according to a new studyby (ELC)and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The report – Inequityin SchoolFunding: Southern States Must Prioritize Fair Public School Spending – examinesschool fundingin Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas,based on criteria established by ELC’s nationalreport,an annualstate-by-stateanalysis ofpublic school funding.The report ranks and grades each state based on three key measures:funding level, funding distribution and funding effort.

“We are currently in aplace where partisan politics, not data or evidenced-based practices, aredrivingschool policy,” saidBacardi Jackson, interim deputy legal director for the Ҵý’s Children’s Rights Practice Group.“These efforts aresteeped in white supremacyand seek to undermine public schools.”

Theimpact of unfair school fundingin theSouthisdeeply rootedin the region’shistory ofracial segregation,whichcontinues to influenceeducation politics and policymaking and can be seen in the proliferation of private school vouchers and resistance to culturally responsive and inclusive teaching.This history means thatBlack and Latinx studentsand those living in or near poverty – groups that are overrepresented in public schools throughout theSouth – aremore likely to bear theconsequences ofpoorlyresourcedpublicschools.

The report found that theeight Southern states examined have“woefully insufficient”school funding levels,and mostof themfail to equitably distribute additional funds to high-poverty schooldistricts.

“Southern states have a long history of neglecting public education, depriving students – especially students of color and those from low-income families – of the opportunities that would help them succeed in school and life,” said Danielle Farrie, who is the ELC research director and the report’s author. “It is past time for lawmakers in these states to move beyond politicaldistractions and prioritize investments in public education.”

When Southern schools are compared to those in other states, the reportfound that:

  • All eight states score in the bottom third for school funding. Alabama, Tennessee, Florida and Mississippi scored in the bottom 10,allspendingmore than $3,000(and for Floridaand Mississippi, more than $4,000)less per child each year thanthe national average.
  • Alabama, Florida and Texas have regressive funding practices, meaning high-poverty school districts receive less funding than low-poverty districts.On average, high-poverty districts in Florida and Alabama receive about $1,500 less than low-poverty districts.
  • Georgiabarelymeets the report’s conservative definition of progressive funding, with high-poverty districts receiving, on average, only8% higher per-pupil funding than low-poverty districts.
  • Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennesseehave“flat” funding distributions thatdisadvantage students in high-poverty districts because they do not provide additional resourcestohelpclose persistent economic and racialachievement gaps.
  • All eight states reduced their effort to fund public schools in the last decade, resulting in a combined loss of $189 billion in state and local revenue. Florida, Georgia and Alabama all lost out on more than $2,000 per pupil by allowing school revenue to lag behind economic growth.

The report defines fair funding as “the funding needed in each state to provide qualified teachers, support staff, programs, services and other resources essential for all students to have a meaningful opportunity to achieve the state’s academic standards and graduate high school prepared for citizenship, postsecondary education and the workforce.”

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