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Defending Democracy: Ҵý calls on Senate to swiftly pass John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

The U.S. House of Representativesthis week tooka significant– Իdesperately needed–step tosafeguard Americandemocracyand preventunnecessary and discriminatorybarriers to voting erected by anti-voter state legislatureslike those here in the Deep South.We salute the defenders of democracy in the chamber forlistening to Իstanding up for voters here and across the country, particularly Black voters and other historically disenfranchisedcommunities.

The U.S. Senate now must do its job.If passed by theupper chamberand signed into law, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (HR 4) willrestore the Voting Rights Act(VRA)of 1965 to its full strength–necessary today as it was whenthe lateJohn R.Lewis and other voting rights activists marched acrossthe Edmund PettusBridgein 1965inSelma, Alabama.

Among other provisions, HR 4 would restore “preclearance,” the requirement thatstates and localities with documented histories of racial discrimination in voting receive Department of Justice approval before implementing changes in voting laws and procedures to ensure the changes do not discriminate against voters based on race.

Since this requirement was eviscerated by a 2013 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, states have unleashed a torrent of new measures designed in part to suppress voting by people of color. HR 4 would also restore key protections for voters seeking to challenge discriminatory voting laws in court.

Recently, we submitted reports to Congress documenting ongoing voter discrimination inAlabama,LouisianaԻMississippi. And earlier this year, we sued GeorgiaԻFloridafor elections-related laws passed this year.

Protectingand strengtheningAmericans’right to voteisapopular goalforthe American public, Ի.

The members of the House who voted against the billignorethe fact that reauthorizations of the Voting Rights Acthave always been achieved through wide bipartisan margins and have been signed by RepublicanpresidentsNixon, Ford, Reagan and George W. Bush. In 2006,a Republican-controlledCongress extended the law for 25 yearsby a vote of98-0 in the Senate and 390-33 in theHouse of Representatives.

As HR 4 moves to the Senate, some senators have already committed to doing everything in their power to oppose the bill – up to and including leveraging a legislative tool popular withpro-Jim Crow senatorsofthe past – to preventits passageand tofurther erodethe fundamental right to vote.

To protect the future of American democracy, the Senate may need to make the body majority-rule by abolishing the filibuster. So be it.The danger of not doing so is far too significant for our nation and generations to come.

The Voting Rights Act paved the way for tremendous gains and true political participation for some of the most marginalized members of our society. Even though John Lewis is not here standing in the flesh with us today, we must continue to invoke his spirit and continue the battle toward justice in the ways he taught us to do.

Photo at top: Protesters march in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 2, 2021, holding a poster with a picture of the late U.S. Rep. John Lewis. (Credit: Michael Nigro/Sipa USA)