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Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

When Cliven Bundy took to a stage this April near where armed militiamen a year before backed down agents from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), it seemed that his “Battle of Bunkerville” had truly been won. A year had passed and Bundy was still free, his cattle were still grazing on government lands, and his radical defenders remained unscathed.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

He’s the “velvet voice” playing in your head deep into the night. Smooth and articulate, without anger or accent, talk show host Jeff Rense, 69, serves a six-hour smorgasbord of Jewish conspiracies, government-sponsored space alien abduction reports and an odd mix of New Age insights to tens of thousands of Internet insomniacs every weekday night.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

‘Patriots’ in Texas worry that Walmart and FEMA are conspiring to impose martial law. The governor isn’t taking any chances

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

Updates on Extremism and the Law

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

Twenty years later, the lesson of America's worst-ever domestic terrorist attack is to remember the homegrown threat.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

This listing carries a selection of hate incidents from the first four months of 2015. Any additional listings can be found on the Intelligence Project’s website.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

When two apparent Muslim radicals attacked a Muhammad cartoon contest in a Dallas suburb this May, a national spotlight was focused on the group that hosted the provocative event — the American Freedom Defense Initiative, whose leader is Pamela Geller, the country’s most flamboyant and visible Muslim-basher.

Intelligence Report
Summer Issue
June 10, 2015

Tracy is a proud black transgender woman, determined since childhood that, no matter the price, she would never pretend to be anything other than “my authentic self — the woman God made.” The price has been high. All things considered, though, she’s been lucky. “None of my crew, the girls I came up with, is still around,” she laments. “My grandmother is 90 and I have more dead friends than she does. A lot of my girlfriends didn’t even make it to 30.”


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