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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

A sampling of hate crimes and hate group activities is summarized in state-by-state listings.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

A polished young American racist is knitting together a global network of white nationalists. And that has Europeans worried.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

An interview planned with the head of a Florida milita ends at the county jail.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

A woman who worked in religious-right ‘ex-gay’ ministries for years renounces the movement. She’s only the latest.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

After years of escalating rhetoric, the neo-Confederate League of the South moves to form secret paramilitary unit.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

Columbia University expert Donald Green argues that hate crimes tend to spike when rapid in-migration of minority groups occurs in formerly white neighborhoods. Perhaps that helps explain the sheer ugliness of the events in Murrieta, Calif., this July — events that came during the week of Independence Day, when Americans gather to celebrate our country and its democratic values.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

Among the thousands of candidates for political office who are brought out by every election cycle, there are almost always a number from the ideological fringe. This year, a mid-term election that could give control of the Senate (and therefore, both houses of Congress) to the Republican Party, is no exception. Here’s a brief roundup of a few:

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 21, 2014

White power music was in trouble. But then racist bands discovered iTunes, and now they're back in business.


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