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Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

A clone of an infamous gay-bashing Kansas church is raising Cain in Alabama. But its ‘prophetess’ keeps landing in jail

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

The League of the South started out verbally defending the South, then went on to advocate secession. Now, its rhetoric has turned to arms.

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

For two years in the mid-1990s, Judge Greg Mohr carried a gun and wore a bulletproof vest while presiding over his tiny courtroom east of Kalispell. 

Intelligence Report
Winter Issue
November 15, 2011

Something is happening on the radical right. Even as the presidential campaign season heats up and, with it, the possibility of ridding themselves of their hated black president, extremists are ratcheting up the rhetoric of war.


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