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Marjorie Taylor Greene, a newly elected congresswoman from Northwest Georgia with ties to QAnon, wasted no time engaging in presidential election conspiracy theories.

ā€œPresident Trump has the votes,ā€ Greene tweeted in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. ā€œStop the Steal!ā€ She encouraged followers to retweet if they agreed.

Former Trump adviser and convicted felon Roger Stone has long been associated with the hashtag #StopTheSteal, which some Twitter users have used to cast doubt on the process of counting votes. A ā€œStop the Stealā€ group linked to Stone emerged in , targeting potential vote-counting measures then.

Marjorie Taylor Greene arrives at a news conference on Oct. 15 in Dallas, Georgia. (Photo by Brynn Anderson/AP Images)

One America News Network correspondent Jack Posobiec, a far-right extremist and disinformation peddler, has promoted the hashtag #StopTheSteal during the runup to the 2020 election. Posobiec is an associate of Stoneā€™s. Ali Alexander (aka Ali Akbar), another far-right political operative known for using social media to spread disinformation, has also on Twitter.

Greene and other candidates with extremist ties ā€“Ģżincluding the newly elected governor of Montana ā€“Ģżprevailed in their races.Ģż

Despite having disavowed QAnonĢżon Fox News, Greeneā€™s previous beliefs in it will no doubt follow her to Washington. QAnon is an umbrella term for a sprawling web of right-wing internet conspiracy theories with antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ elements. Believers falsely claim the world is run by a secret cabal of pedophiles who worship Satan and are plotting against President Trump.

Greene was ā€œTeflon-proofā€ during her entire campaign, said Mickey Tuck, a Republican from Floyd County who volunteered with the campaign of John Cowan, Greeneā€™s opponent in the primary election.

ā€œShe ran pretty much a populist campaign and evidently QAnon up here was part of her game plan, whether she believed that or not while she was campaigning ā€“ youā€™ve seen the videos.ā€

, criticized Greene for her QAnon association, with Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana citing her ā€œdisgusting commentsā€ about Black people, George Soros and Muslims. Greene weathered the storm and eventually prevailed.

ā€œShe kept to her talking points, you know: ā€˜I support Trump, I support the wall. Iā€™m against socialism.ā€™ She never got off those talking points,ā€ Tuck said.

Lauren Boebert waves to supporters on Sept. 4 in Pueblo West, Colorado. (Photo by David Zalubowski/AP Images)

Greene and newly elected Colorado District 3 Congresswoman Lauren Boebert are the only two candidates known to have ties to QAnon to win seats in Congress. A newcomer to politics, Boebert also distanced herself from QAnon conspiracy theories after facing criticism. A month before the primary, she said of QAnon: ā€œI hope that this is real. ā€¦ Because it only means that America is getting stronger and better, and people are returning to conservative values,ā€ according to . The newspaper said she rallied with the Proud Boys and American Patriots Three Percenters before her primary. Boebert defeated Ģżand will represent the western half of Colorado.

Other key races involving candidates with apparent ties to extremist groups

U.S. Congressional District 24, Texas

Former Irving, Texas, Mayor Beth Van Duyne, narrowly defeated Democratic challenger Candace Valenzuela.

Ģżwhen she fought for an anti-Sharia law City Council resolution. A group of imams setting up a dispute-resolution practice based on Sharia at the Islamic Center of Irving sparked the move.

Van Duyne claimed the imams were setting up Americaā€™ first Sharia law court. .

U.S. Congressional District 3, Louisiana

U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, the Republican incumbent from Louisianaā€™s Third Congressional District, with ties to the antigovernment militia group the Oath Keepers, .

Clay Higgins
Clay Higgins speaks at a candidate forum on Oct. 17, 2018. (Photo via Scott Clause/USA Today Network)

Higgins, who is based in Lafayette, Louisiana, .

Higgins spoke at a rally in June 2017 before a crowd of white supremacists and neo-fascists in Washington, D.C. At the rally, headlined by white nationalist Richard Spencer, Higgins addressed the antigovernment militia group the Oath Keepers. At a campaign event in 2018, , Higgins sold shirts featuring the logo of the Three Percenters movement.

The Oath Keepers website has a page dedicated to Higginsā€™ speeches and comments. In one video, Higgins, dressed in his Lafayette, Louisiana, City Marshal uniform, attacks Washington, D.C., politicians and ā€œthe threats we face.ā€

On Twitter, Higgins posted on Oct. 23 that his wife ā€“ who he says has premonitions ā€“ dreamt of ā€œFederal squadsā€ in their home ā€œseizing guns, knivesā€ and other items.

ā€œThey said we had been ā€˜reported.ā€™ Becca awoke crying,ā€ Higgins wrote. ā€œWhat happened to our freedom? She asked. What indeed.ā€

BuzzFeed reported that Facebook pulled two posts by Higgins deemed threatening to a group planning to attend protests in Lafayette over the death of Breonna Taylor, who was shot and killed by police in Louisville, Kentucky, while she slept in her home.

ā€œIf this shows up, weā€™ll consider the armed presence a real threat,ā€ Higgins, a former law enforcement officer, posted in September on his personal, verified Ģżalong with a picture of an armed Black militia group that has protested the police killings of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. ā€œWe donā€™t care what color you are. We donā€™t care if youā€™re left or right. If you show up like this, if We recognize threat... you wonā€™t walk away.ā€

Montana governorā€™s race

Republican Greg Gianforte, who has served as Montanaā€™s U.S. representative from the stateā€™s at-large district since 2017, was Ģżwith 54% of the vote to Democratic opponent Mike Cooneyā€™s 42%. Gianforte was Ģżin a special election that was held when President Trump appointed Ryan Zinke, the previous officeholder, Secretary of the Interior.

Greg Gianforte announces his Montana Comeback Plan in this July 18 photo. (Photo by Phil Drake-USA Today Network)

He made national news the night before that election when he Ģżand was charged with misdemeanor assault. Gianforte is also known for Ģżto anti-LGBTQ organizations through his family foundation, including almost $300,000 to anti-LGBTQ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and Ģżto anti-LGBTQ hate group Family Research CouncilĢż(FRC), whose action PAC endorsed his candidacy in February.

In 2014, Gianforte Ģżin Bozeman, Montana, that sought to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination in housing and employment. Gianforte claimed the ordinance would discourage Christian businesses from coming to the city, and worked with ADF to propose language to provide a defense for religious businesses and organizations if they discriminated in public accommodations and employment. The ordinance Ģżin June of that year.

Arizona state Senate District 10 race

Arizona state Senate candidate , lost her bid for the state Senate District 10 seat. Wadsack took just under 40% of the vote, falling to Democrat Kirsten Engel for the seat representing parts of Tucson and Pima county.

Wadsack has a history of tweeting out QAnon hashtags.

Ģżabout QAnon, complete with a link to a site that hosts original posts about the conspiracy theory, seeking to back the credibility of the mysterious ā€œQ,ā€ who periodically drops messages to followers.

ā€œTo prove that Qā€™s following isnā€™t merely a few thousand baby-boomers in Americaā€™s Heartland (as the media claim), occasionally posts messages of support from around the world,ā€ Wadsack tweeted.

Florida state House District 32

Incumbent Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini, a Republican from suburban Orlando, won his race for the state house despite being called the Ģżby the Orlando Sentinel newspaper.

Ģżin House District 32.

He drew the ire of colleagues when he tweeted out a picture of a semi-automatic rifle popular with militia groups. The tweet came in the wake of national protests over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota at the hands of police officers.

ā€œAttention potential ā€˜protestersā€™ coming near Lake County, FL. This is an AR-15 ā€“ this will be a very common sight upon illegal entry at any Lake County business ā€“ FYI!ā€ Sabatini tweeted.

Sabatini tweeted a link in May to a site that collects ā€œQā€ posts. Sabatini is a ā€œpublic QAnon believerā€ who has been mentioned in one of the sprawling conspiracy theoryā€™s posts, which are billed as secret, coded messages from the anonymous user ā€œQ,ā€ .

Sabatini also has engaged in anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. ā€œWhatā€™s happening right now in Florida and around the nation in terms of gender reassignment is really sort of the Wild West,ā€ . ā€œThere are no real valid, serious diagnoses given to a child before they go down the path of changing their gender and their sexual identity.ā€

In pushing legislation that would have criminalized the prescription of hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery for minors in February, Sabatini cited support from the American College of Pediatricians, a fringe group that pushes junk scienceĢżabout the LGBTQ community. The bill died in committee.

Idaho state Senate District 23

, who has appeared publicly at events involving conspiracy theorists and militia members, won state Senate District 23.

Zito won 76% of the vote, defeating Democrat Laura Bellegante, a hospital volunteer coordinator.

Zito, a member of the Idaho House of Representatives from Hammett, spoke at a rally called ā€œFreedom is the Cureā€ in August, . The John Birch Society, a long-standing antigovernment conspiracist group, inspired the name of the rally, and the Real Three Percenters of Idaho militiaĢż²¹±č±č±š²¹°ł±š»å.

In 2018, Zito appeared at an ā€œIdaho Second Amendment Allianceā€ with antigovernment activist Ammon Bundy, who is known for his participation along with his family in two prolonged standoffs with law enforcement. In 2014, Ammonā€™s father Cliven Bundy and his supporters engaged in an armed confrontation with federal agents at Clivenā€™s ranch in Bunkerville, Nevada, over his refusal to pay grazing fees to the Bureau of Land Management, and in 2016, Ammon Bundy led a group of far-right extremists in an armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon.

Idaho state Senate District 26

The founder of the Real Three Percenters Idaho militia, Eric ā€œEJā€ Parker, lost his bid for the Idaho State Senate.

Ģżin challenging incumbent Democrat Michelle Stennett.

Parker came onto the antigovernment scene in 2014, when he joined the Bundy family at Bunkerville.

Parker, of Hailey, Idaho, pleaded guilty in 2017 to failing to comply with officersā€™ orders to leave his armed position on an overpass during the standoff.

In 2020, Parker was a featured speaker at the August ā€œFreedom is the Cureā€ event, and his militia group apparently provided event security.

As his campaign for the south-central Idaho district heated up, Parker has toned down some of the antigovernment rhetoric. , Parker pledged to obey the law, but left himself an out as well.

ā€œAn unjust law is an illegal law per the Constitution,ā€ he told the audience.

Lindsay Schubiner that tracks militia activity in the region, said Parker and his group always carry the potential of violence.

ā€œParker is still the leader of an armed paramilitary movement that is not accountable to any civil or government authority,ā€ Schubiner told NPR. ā€œThatā€™s incredibly dangerous.ā€

Idaho state House Seat 1A

, won re-election to the state House seat sheā€™s held since 2015, taking 68% of the vote against Democrat Gail Bolin. Scott has taken a pledge to the antigovernment militia group Oath KeepersĢżand spoke at the ā€œLiberate Americaā€ rally in Coeur dā€™Alene, Idaho, in June, where Oath Keepers provided security.

Heather Scott
Heather Scott speaks at the state Capitol building in 2015 in Boise, Idaho. (Otto Kitsinger/AP Images)

Scott has called COVID-19 regulations ā€œdraconianā€ and an ā€œover-response,ā€ touching on themes popular among far-right activists claiming that the government is tyrannical and impeding on citizensā€™ civil liberties.

ā€œAnd every death, no matter what the reasoning, is COVID,ā€ Scott told rallygoers, falsely claiming the Covid-19 death toll is manufactured.

Scott said Idaho Gov. Brad Little, a fellow Republican, imposed restrictions under ā€œmartial law,ā€ using phrasing from a long-standing conspiracy theory on the far-right about the government repressing citizens.

ā€œHis edicts have come under martial law,ā€ Scott said at the rally. ā€œHe has essentially repealed laws.ā€

Ģżā€“ allows the governor to call up the state and National Guard as well as ā€œthe organized militiaā€ during a state of emergency.

The law does not give the governor the power to repeal laws or impose new ones unilaterally.

Ģżto antigovernment activist Ammon Bundy, and outgoing Washington state Rep. Matt Shea, who an investigation found helped Bundy and his followers pre-plan a standoff with the federal government at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in 2016.

Idaho state House Seat 11B

, won a seat in the Idaho legislature with almost 80% of the vote. Nichols defeated Democrat Edward Savala.

Ģżthat conservatives canā€™t get a fair shake.

ā€œThe media is not our friend,ā€ she said. ā€œThey are out there spewing information that is not correct.ā€

Two years earlier, as Nichols sought her first term in the state House, she appeared at a gun rights rally with Erich Pratt, a spokesman for Gun Owners of America, an extremist antigovernment organization that once put forth the baseless conspiracy theory that the Obama administration planned to buy up ammunition, confront American citizens and establish a dictatorship.

Nichols also appeared at a 2020 rally with antigovernment activist Ammon Bundy.

Idaho state House Seat 32B

Incumbent Republican Chad Christensen defeated his Democratic opponent Bill Leake, garnering 75% of the vote. Christensen has associated with The Real Three Percenters Idaho militia group. Earlier this year, he spoke at an event where Eric Parker (of Real Three Percenters) was a featured speaker.

Christensen has additional ties to extremist groups. According to a poster on Facebook, Christensen was scheduled to speak at the August ā€œFreedom is the Cureā€ rally where Eric Parker of the Real Three Percenters also spoke and Parkerā€™s group provided security.

Based on Christensenā€™s voter and government pages, he is a member of Oath Keepers, Gun Owners of America, and John Birch Society.

This story has been updated to reflect new election results.

Hatewatch staff writers Brett Barrouquere and Michael Edison Hayden contributed to this report.

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