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Hatewatch Headlines 12/10/2018

White nationalists love Tucker Carlson’s show; VA Secretary praised the Confederacy; Hidden global network supports Tommy Robinson; and more.

: What white nationalists think about Tucker Carlson – and how he responds to questions about it.

: A white supremacist YouTuber praised Fox’s Carlson for mentioning ‘white genocide.’

: VA Secretary praised Confederate president as a ‘martyr to the “Lost Cause”’ in 1995 speech.

: Revealed: The hidden global network behind Tommy Robinson.

: Ammon Bundy spoke kindly about migrant caravan, and the backlash has him rethinking his supporters.

: Many alt-righters abandoned one of their own as he faced the music for ‘Unite the Right’ murder.

: James Allsup blames daycare child abuse on ‘anti-white propaganda.’

: A prominent white supremacist is an EMT in Virginia. Now the state is investigating him.

: Neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell dries his tears, drops threats after Fields convicted of murder.

: Anonymous white supremacist group ‘Hundred Handers’ recruiting across social media platforms.

: Someone defaced Linux.org website with ‘Goatse’ and tirade against diversity.

: What the ebbs and flows of the KKK can tell us about white supremacy today.

: No, Spokane’s Observatory bar didn’t attack Jewish people or train rats to poop in toilets.

: Undocumented workers at Trump golf club were ridiculed by staff as ‘donkeys’ and ‘dogs.’

: BART clamps down on ‘objectionable’ advertising from Holocaust deniers.

: Self-confessed Aryan Brotherhood member sentenced to prison.

: Neo-Nazis from the UK have been gathering on Gab with greater frequency.

: Alberta ‘yellow vests’ protests lack violence seen in Paris, but anti-immigration anger simmers.

: Hundreds of academics oppose research fellow’s eugenics work on discredited ‘race sciences.’

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