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Hatewatch Headlines 9/5/18

New book says Trump later called his criticism of white supremacists his “biggest mistake;” neo-Nazi reportedly offered $9,000 to kill family of five; the curious case of a black man who befriended the KKK, and more.

In his bombshell new book, journalist Bob Woodward says President Trump later opined that it was his “biggest … mistake” to condemn white supremacists after the last year’s Unite the Right rally in Virginia.

Florida jail inmate accused of offering neo-Nazi $9,000 to murder family of five.

A transgender woman is murdered in Chicago, the 17th transgender American known to have been murdered this year.

Twitter says it didn’t ban outspoken white nationalist Richard Spencer from the platform because he supposedly doesn’t have any known affiliations with hate groups.

The curious case of the black man who befriended KKK members.

Joe Gomez believed he could find the middle by working for the anti-immigrant group FAIR. He was wrong.

How to keep armed militias out of your city.

Five churches in Omaha, Nebraska, are targeted by propaganda fliers from the extremely violent neo-Nazi group Atomwaffen Division.

The racist ideas of American white nationalists David Duke and Richard Spencer are finding a growing audience overseas.

Why young men of color are joining extremist groups.

The Kansas Supreme Court rules that a grand jury must investigate whether Secretary of State Kris Kobach intentionally botched voter registration in the state in the 2016 elections.

  The Black Panthers, the Texas Patriot Network, the Houston Socialist Movement and other groups were represented at a weekend demonstration outside a large Islamic convention in Houston.

Survivors of hate violence share their stories in civil rights attorney Arjun Singh Sethi's new book, “American Hate.”

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