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Hatewatch Headlines 8/24/18

White nationalists celebrate Trump on Twitter; a Florida police officer’s fist bump with a white nationalist; BlacKkKlansman movie and Trump’s election, and more.

Washington Post: Prominent white nationalists are celebrating Trump on Twitter more than usual.

A Georgia superintendent has been placed on administrative leave after a lawsuit alleges he threatened to kill black people.

The neo-Confederate League of the South says it will hold a demonstration Sept. 29 at Sycamore Shoals State Historic Park in Johnson City, Tennessee.

A white supremacist group has targeted Front Range communities over the past month, placing stickers and posters in well-known Denver locations.

Suddenly, President Trump wants to make South Africa great again.

Florida police officer’s fist bump with white supremacist isn’t the whole story.

Spike Lee’s movie BlacKkKlansman brilliantly weaves 1970s threads of supremacist culture with the election of President Trump.

The most enduring scandal around the White House might not be corruption, but the administration’s constant embrace of bigotry from white-supremacist and far-right groups.

Three members of a white supremacist group plead guilty in connection with the death of an Evangeline Parish man.

Far-right trolls unleash harassment on verified Twitter users.

Trump tweets the word ‘Africa’ for first time as president — in defense of whites in South Africa.

To understand why white supremacists back the president, examine the books that define their worldview.

Some Republicans want to “take our party back” and remove a top Tarrant County Republican official because he’s Muslim.

With Trump’s South Africa tweet, Tucker Carlson has turned a white nationalist narrative into White House policy.

  It’s President Trump’s most explicit appropriation of a white-nationalist trope yet.

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