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Hatewatch Headlines 8/23/18

Is there a correlation between social media and violence? A Virginia Republican touts a white nationalist website; a New Hampshire lawmaker’s personal info ends up on a white nationalist site, and more.

A month after a black man was assaulted in a Pittsburgh-area bar, the community is looking for answers about the way police handled the racially fueled attack.

New research shows a correlation between Facebook and a national epidemic of violence.

Virginia Republican Representative Dave Brat touts white nationalist website VDare's praise of his anti-immigrant amendment.

The neo-Confederate League of the South hates black people, Jews, and others, but it loves one country, one man: Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Fortune: President Trump says it would be “very dangerous” for Facebook and Twitter to ban certain user accounts such as conspiracy buff and Trump supporter Alex Jones.

: Family Research Council president Tony Perkins says religious-right activists are contemplating scaling back their use of social media because of alleged censorship of conservatives.

White House insiders concerned about white supremacists speculate that Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow knew but didn’t care about inviting white-identity figure Peter Brimelow to a birthday bash.

  A New Hampshire state representative is asking the attorney general's office to investigate why her name, photo and personal information were posted on a white nationalist website.

Kansas gubernatorial candidate Kris Kobach’s campaign cites a white nationalist writer who’s been involved in Holocaust denial.

Deadly Violence against transgender people is on the rise, and the government isn¹t helping.

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