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Hatewatch Headlines 8/16/2018

Antifa/alt-right equivalencies plague media reports; Infowars website goes dark; Kobach now Kansas GOP’s nominee for governor; and more.

: In drawing equivalencies between alt-right and antifascists, media outlets obscure ideologies and impacts.

: Infowars website goes dark, and employees are blaming a ‘cyber attack.’

: The country’s most notorious vote suppressor is now the GOP nominee for governor of Kansas.

: Tucker Carlson claims there’s no white nationalism. His show’s obsessive racism suggests otherwise.

: Jeremy Christian, accused of stabbing men on MAX train, now accused of assaulting black inmate.

: White supremacist rally cost D.C. $2.6 million for enforcement, policing costs.

: The organizer of the ‘Unite the Right’ rallies just got humiliated by his own father.

: White nationalist Paul Nehlen loses GOP primary for Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin seat.

: Neo-Confederates officially begin their latest Russian outreach program.

: Democratic lawmakers want ICE spokesman with extremist ties dismissed.

: Gun shop employee’s white-supremacist ties prompt firearms group to relocate meeting.

: Instagram let a violent white supremacist promote their clothing brand.

: Topher Grace gets a stunning hate call after portraying David Duke in Spike Lee’s ‘BlacKkKlansman’.

: Those KKK fliers in a York County theater parking lot are a call to confront hate in the community.

: Why is the New York Post defending anti-LGBT hate groups?

: Black first-grader excluded from private Christian school in Florida because of his dreadlocks.

: Neo-Nazi extremists need help leaving the movement. I know because I was one of them.

: How architecture-themed Twitter accounts became a magnet for white nationalism.

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