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Hatewatch Headlines 8/6/2018

Anti-Muslim groups overlap with extremists; Survivors tell the tale of bias crimes; Kobach’s documents cast doubt on Trump’s claims; and more.

: Here’s how anti-Muslim groups on Facebook overlap with a range of far-right extremism.

: How survivors of bias crimes tell the story of hate in America.

: Election commission documents cast doubt on Trump’s claims of voter fraud.

: GOP consultants say Kobach campaign has white nationalists on payroll.

: Ex-GOP director confesses ‘the alt-right has taken over the Virginia Republican Party.’

: British extremist Tommy Robinson thanks Tucker Carlson, Republicans for their support.

: Robinson is richer and has more international support after prison, research finds.

: Amazon says it is removing products featuring Nazi, white-supremacist symbols.

: Why we still haven’t banned ‘gay conversion’ therapy in 2018.

: Transit union refuses to bring white nationalists to D.C. ‘Unite the Right’ rally in their own rail cars.

: Alex Jones’ attorney presents case against Sandy Hook parents who claim death threats.

: Man accused of murdering student because he was gay charged with a hate crime.

: Nazi enthusiast who tried to torch condo committed hate-crime toward Jews, state says.

: California neo-Nazi Patrick Little makes robocalls to residents of Idaho town.

: Fox News host says Trump’s border wall is needed to preserve America’s ‘demographic makeup.’

: St. Peter gay couple report receiving threatening letters: ‘I know where you live.’

: Protesting is fine, but where does Tacoma anti-Nazi group go next?

: White man drags a black man who inconveniently had seizure off a train so it wouldn’t be delayed.

: Defeating homegrown terrorism: An Italian lesson.

: The far right is planning to take over the European Union in the coming year.

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