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Hatewatch Headlines 6/25/2018

The hate behind the border crackdown; Trump wants to end due process rights; Steve King was source of phony immigrant crime stats; and more.

: The hate behind the immigration crackdown.

: When asylum seekers try to cross legally, they are greeted with the threat of family separations too.

: Trump wants to take away due process rights for people arriving at the border.

: The original source for Trump’s claim of 63,000 immigrant murders? Bad data from Rep. Steve King.

: Steve King singles out Somali Muslims because he says they wouldn’t properly handle pork.

: Alex Jones boasts that ‘the White House listens’ to Infowars because ‘birds of a feather flock together.’

: Minnesota GOP chairwoman says she’s faced racism from inside her own party.

: Rep. Jayapal says a Democratic House would publicize the White House’s hate-group connections.

: This is what it’s like to seek asylum in America for being gay.

: Fox pundit Rachel Campos-Duffy says some blacks find immigration centers ‘better than’ public housing.

: David Bossie tells black guest on Fox News show that he is ‘out of his cotton-picking mind.’

: Fischer, Reed claim undocumented immigrants committing ‘child abuse’ by bringing kids to USA.

: Former neo-Nazis tell us how they finally left the movement, and why.

: White woman who threatened to call cops on 8-year-old black girl says she’s ‘discriminated against.’

: Black workers allege racial graffiti, nooses hung at SF high-rise construction site.

: Instagram deleted a video by ProPublica that identified members of a white supremacist group.

: GOP nominee who railed against diversity also called Kwanzaa ‘phony,’ made anti-Muslim comments.

: Black man recounts murder of his white girlfriend as neo-Nazi stands trial.

: Concert by gay men’s chorus cancelled because of bomb threat.

: Hungary just passed a ‘Stop Soros’ law that makes it illegal to help undocumented immigrants.

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