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Hatewatch Headlines 6/21/2018

Trump likely can’t detain families indefinitely; Migrant kids going to dubious shelters; Kobach delays compliance with court order; and more.

: Trump wants to replace family separation with permanent detention, but he likely can’t do so legally.

: Migrant children sent to shelters with histories of abuse allegations.

: Immigrant children forcibly injected with powerful drugs at Texas shelter, lawsuit claims.

: It is long past time to compare Donald Trump and the Nazis.

: Gavin McInness on child detention camps: ‘That looks like a fun place to hang.’

: Lou Dobbs claims the ‘Illuminati of K Street’ is pushing for immigration reform.

: No, despite Drudge Report, those gun-toting children weren’t photographed on the U.S. border.

: Stephen Miller is the architect of family separation at the border, and it is time for him to go.

: Senators McCain and Coons urge Trump to withdraw key nominee for post dealing with immigrants.

: Kris Kobach’s office delays compliance with court order, questions the meaning of ‘immediately.’

: GOP Senate nominee Corey Stewart endorsed Paul Nehlen months after he became open white nationalist.

: U.S. Marine to be imprisoned over his involvement with hate groups.

: Alabama musician’s shows cancelled after he ‘volunteers’ on Facebook to shoot immigrants.

: At a symposium in the Central Valley, Devin Nunes and militia hero Ammon Bundy tap into agrarian rage.

: WHO declassifies being transgender as a mental illness, undermines Trump’s military ban.

: Racist white man hits black woman with car, drags her across road – and cops charge her with obstructing traffic.

: Atomwaffen, an American neo-Nazi terror group, is now in Canada.

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