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Hatewatch Headlines 6/20/2018

Fringe inflamed anti-immigrant passions; Some separations will be permanent; Kobach case dismantles voter-fraud alarmist claims; and more.

: How anti-immigrant passion was inflamed from the fringe.

: Youngest immigrant detainees are being held in ‘tender age’ shelters.

: U.S. officials likely lost track of nearly 6,000 unaccompanied migrant children.

: Former ICE director warns that some migrant family separations will become permanent.

: Conservative media sure sound a lot like an alt-right podcast right now.

: How Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department could end civil-rights law enforcement.

: The history behind the criminal immigration law: Eugenics and white supremacy.

: From Nazi Germany to Japanese internment, here’s the ugly history behind Trump’s ‘infest.’

: Border Patrol ripped girl with Down’s syndrome from her mom, and now she’s lost.

: Readers show zero tolerance for immigrant kids torn from their parents.

: Claims by voting fraud alarmists are dismantled by judge in Kobach case.

: Inside the disturbing forum incels use to brutally criticize each others’ faces.

: Hate groups tried to argue in court that trans students threaten privacy, but it didn’t go well.

: McInnes falls for anti-bisexual 4chan hoax, claims trans identities are mental illnesses.

: Presbyterians to propose historic resolution for religious freedom and against LGBT discrimination.

: The roots of white rage: America’s clash of class and race, from the Civil War to Trump.

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