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Hatewatch Headlines 6/11/2018

Racial profiling in immigration goes unchecked; Father separated from family kills self; Tucson ‘pedophilia’ claims unfounded, but catch fire; and more.

: How racial profiling goes unchecked in immigration enforcement.

: A family was separated at the border, and this distraught father took his own life.

: The state of hate in immigration, 2018: A constant drumbeat of ugly incidents.

: Tucson-based sex-trafficking conspiracy theory catches fire, despite lack of evidence.

: Why is this Pizzagate conspiracy theorist meeting with a Russian neo-fascist ideologue?

: Arizona man arrested for threatening to bomb Harvard’s black commencement.

: The architects of the violence in Charlottesville may have doomed the alt-right.

: Kris Kobach’s office paid $1,000 fine in court case with state-issued credit card.

: Kobach urged Commerce chief to add citizenship question to Census in order to change districts.

: CrossFit fires executive after scandal over homophobia at Indiana gym.

: Islamophobia infects the government as anti-Muslim bigotry becomes acceptable in Trump’s America.

: At ‘Road to Majority,’ MAGA prayers and a call for ‘a new nationalism.’

: Alex Jones theorizes that Anthony Bourdain was ‘suicided’ because he was goin to ‘do a Kanye West.’

: Violent protests involving right-wing rallies again draw attention to Portland, OR.

: Fox’s Jesse Watters runs reel of violent right-wingers – and falsely identifies them as antifa.

: ‘Constitutionalist’ who held man suspected of domestic abuse at gunpoint defends his actions.

: Video shows white woman yelling racial slurs at Latino family celebrating birthday.

: These black churches are considering arming their congregations.

: Austria’s right-wing government announces it is shutting down mosques, expelling Muslim leaders.

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