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Hatewatch Headlines 6/4/2018

The housewives of white supremacy; White driver boasts of killing black man; Immigrants’ domestic-violence reports suddenly dropped; and more.

: The housewives of white supremacy: How women fit into a male-dominated political movement.

: A white driver ran over a black man, then allegedly sent shocking racist messages on Snapchat.

: As Trump took office, immigrants’ reports of domestic violence dropped.

: Vice President Mike Pence makes surprise appearance at FRC’s anti-gay ‘Watchmen on the Walls’ conference.

: John Bolton’s new chief of staff has pushed for American Muslims who follow Islamic law to be deported.

: Opposition growing to Utahn’s appointment as an assistant secretary of state.

: Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke defends sending rangers to border, cites ‘environmental disaster’ from immigration.

: California bars travel to Oklahoma over anti-LGBT adoption discrimination law.

: Nathan Larson is a pedophile and a white supremacist. And he’s running for Congress in Virginia.

: Fox’s Tucker Carlson says Starbucks’ anti-bias training is a racist attack on white people.

: Right-wing trolls lash out against journalist for revealing identity of anti-Muslim bigot.

: Conspiracy theories are eating the alt-right-friendly site Gab from the inside.

: LGTB YouTube videos are being served with anti-LGBT ads.

: How a gun-carrying, far-right activist plots a run at the U.S. Senate in Washington.

: Extremist ‘Ghost Squad’ militia holds protest event in Verona, but hardly anyone shows.

: Christian Identity church in Ohio Appalachian town spreads the white-supremacy gospel.

: Orlando-area resort apologizes after video shows woman yelling the n-word at a black guest.

: Far-right German leader dismisses Nazi era as just a ‘speck of bird poop’ in the nation’s history.

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