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Hatewatch Headlines 5/30/2018

Racist tweet ends ‘Roseanne’ revival; Viral videos show Spanish barriers linger; Stephen Miller acts as Trump’s right-hand troll; and more.

: ABC cancels ‘Roseanne’ after Barr sends racist tweet about Obama staffer.

: Roseanne has been channeling 4chan’s racism, antisemitism, and conspiracy theories on Twitter.

: Far right immediately jumps to defend Barr after her show’s cancellation.

: ‘You need to speak English’: Viral videos show how Spanish use is still polarizing in U.S.

: A look at Stephen Miller, Donald Trump’s right-hand troll.

: Mike Pompeo to huddle with envoy from anti-Semitic Hungarian leader.

: Neighbor gets state prison for hate crimes against black family: ‘It’s been hell,’ victim says.

: The social shaming of racists is working, and that’s a good thing.

: Faith Goldy defends her use of the ’14 Words.’

: ‘Sanctuary state’ fight poses a serious political risk to Republicans in California.

: Revving up the deportation machinery: Enforcement under Trump and the pushback.

: ‘Active Shooter’ and its developer have been removed from the video-game platform Steam.

: What legal defenses could Portland MAX stabbing suspect Jeremy Christian possibly mount?

: Shiva Ayyadurai uses n-word to describe voters on the ‘white liberal deep state reservation.’

: Christian preacher Matt Powell thinks the government should execute gay people because the Bible says so.

: In Everett, neo-Nazi flyers plastered downtown are a hateful sign of the times.

: Four students charged with hate crimes after swastikas, racial graffiti found at Glenelg High.

: Ontario PC candidate promoted alt-right site linked to hate figures at Young Conservative event.

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