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Hatewatch Headlines 5/22/2018

Another conviction in parking-garage attack; White House doubles down on ‘animals’; Resource officer told gay teen she faces hell; and more.

: Third white supremacist found guilty of beating black man during Charlottesville protest.

: The White House just doubled down on Trump’s ‘animals’ remark.

: Gay Oregon teen went to school resource officer after getting bullied, and was told she’s going to hell.

: Right-wing media is filling a void of abortion-related coverage with blatant misinformation.

: Rebel Media’s Katie Hopkins calls Twitter user a racial slur, then deletes it.

: Preston Wilson apologizes for making slavery comment during Astros broadcast.

: Cops accused of racism after detaining black man over ‘vegetation’ in his car window.

: A Border Patrol agent detained two U.S. citizens at a gas station because they were speaking Spanish.

: Brad Schimel worked to keep his trip to ADF conference a secret.

: Hudson-area ‘Citizens for St. Croix Valley’ flagged as a hate group.

: Key white supremacist found living in Montreal exposes reach of hate groups.

: The black-vs.-white basketball game that integrated the sport.

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