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Hatewatch Headlines 4/27/2018

Does this pastor really lead a hate group? Nehlen accuses Jews of deicide; ICE fails to follow handbook in deporting children; and more.

: Does this anti-‘Sodomite,’ slavery-defending, Holocaust-denying pastor lead a hate group?

: Congressional candidate Paul Nehlen accuses Jews of deicide on Atomwaffen-inspired podcast.

: There’s another neo-Nazi running for Congress, and his name is Patrick Little.

: How Trump is manipulating conservative media to create a propaganda state.

: ICE isn’t following its own handbook when it comes to deporting children.

: Militarized cops panicked about ‘antifa’ at tiny Georgia neo-Nazi rally.

: Frat bros behind racist video sue school for jeopardizing their ‘success’ by shutting them down.

: GOP legislators worked closely with hate group ADF in crafting anti-LGBT agenda.

: The return of the Negro Motorist Green Book, a guide for avoiding bigoted places.

: Oklahoma teen seeks explanation after her brother is called a ‘n----- for auction’ in Snapchat post.

: Arizona’s only two black lawmakers chastised for calling out GOP colleagues use of racial slur.

: GOP House candidate wrote foreword to bigoted book by ex-Trump official.

: Black-nationalist hate group leader pocketed millions from ‘church,’ feds say.

: The rise of Russia’s neo-Nazi football hooligans, and the need to confront them at the World Cup.

: A killing at Donkey Creek: Community haunted by incident when truck runs over a young Native American.

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