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Hatewatch Headlines 3/29/2018

ICE won’t deport the last Nazi war criminal; Trans ban points to close ties to hate groups; Prager’s lawsuit over YouTube videos loses; and more.

: ICE won’t deport the last Nazi war criminal in America.

: The trans military ban is yet another example of the White House’s cozy relationship with hate groups.

: Judge sides with Google in PragerU’s lawsuit against YouTube for removing far-right videos.

: Sam Harris, Charles Murray, and the false allure of ‘race science.’

: Half-century of U.S. civil-rights gains have stalled or reversed, study finds.

: League of the South’s decree with city specifies it can’t return in armed groups.

: Sympathy for the devil: White privilege and the Austin bomber.

: White supremacists are investing in a crytpocurrency that promises to be untraceable.

: Alt-right recruiters have begun targeting the vulnerable communities of depressed people.

Associated Press: Lawsuit says Mississippi ‘harsh’ in denying ex-con his voting rights.

: Activist fighting to get Confederacy out of Mississippi state flag won’t back down after KKK threats.

: ACT! for America keeps raising money off Pompeo and its White House connections.

: My brother, the notorious white nationalist.

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