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Hatewatch Headlines 3/5/2018

YouTube’s crackdown on conspiracists stirs pushback; EU warns internet companies; Florida teacher has a white-nationalist podcast; and more.

: YouTube cracks down on far-right videos as conspiracy theories spread.

: Why the alt-right is accusing Big Tech of a ‘political hit job’ and censorship in crackdown.

: So far, YouTube’s content moderation is mostly an inconsistent mess.

: Advertisers flee Infowars founder Alex Jones’ popular YouTube channel amid crackdown.

: EU to Internet companies: You have three months to get rid of extremist content.

: Florida elementary-school teacher with white-nationalist podcast on the side removed from classroom.

: Trump appointed man to key crime post who said he believes blacks, Hispanics more violent.

: Far-right extremists are quietly murdering police officers.

: Gaming app Steam has 173 groups that glorify school mass shooters.

: Computer game Rainbow Six Siege will start handing out bans for in-game hate speech next week.

: Alliance Defending Freedom is working to keep LGBT people from adopting children.

: Crossville, TN, elementary school murals modified to remove Confederate flags, lynching.

: Trooper involved in shooting has a history of posting racially inflammatory material.

: Who are the ‘Three Percenters,’ and what does the gun-toting group want?

: Militia group cancels protest of Verona business amid concerns about violence.

: ADL tears into women’s march leaders for attending speech by Louis Farrakhan.

: Richard Spencer’s lawyer Kyle Bristow says he wants to dissociate himself from alt-right now.

: Rep. Dave Brat blames staffer for retweet of alt-right post attacking Florida teen survivor.

: Man in Overland Park, KS, restaurant spits on black child, calls him a racial slur.

: The covert white-supremacist group lurking in Washington state’s backwoods.

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