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Hatewatch Headlines 2/28/2018

Cruz's gun magazines had swastikas on them; Tax credits for armed ‘volunteer’ school guards? Jones says Infowars’ YouTube channel in danger; and more.

: Shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz had swastikas on his ammunition magazines.

: House GOP floats idea of offering tax credit to armed vigilantes acting as school guards.

: In Oath Keepers webinar, student gun-control activists are ‘the enemy.’

: Alex Jones says Infowars is really close to a YouTube ban, thanks to pushback from Florida shooting survivors.

: YouTube remains a haven for white nationalism, as it has no plans to remove two key recruitment channels.

: White nationalist group planning protest at Virginia firm involved in immigrant bail.

: Judge sentences Malheur occupier Ryan Payne to three years in prison; he renounces ‘Patriot’ ties.

: Diaper-wearing stunt turns into an organizational disaster for far-right campus group Turning Point USA.

: Three investigations opened after report reveals redlining of black homebuyers in Philadelphia.

: Charlottesville judge orders black plastic tarps removed from notorious Confederate monuments.

: North Carolina faculty threaten to take matters into their own hands, remove Confederate monument.

: A top NRA TV commentator regularly promotes the work of a racist YouTube conspiracy theorist.

: A Las Vegas trans bar was the target of a shooting over the weekend.

: Tampa man pleads guilty to hate crime for threatening to burn home purchased by Muslims.

: ACLU calls for Harris County judge’s ouster over racially charged comments.

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