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Hatewatch Headlines 2/23/2018

Has President Trump unleashed right-wing violence in the United States? Extremists are getting booted from Twitter; a historic look at FBI’s war on black bookstores, and more.

White separatist Jared Taylor and his American Renaissance organization are suing Twitter for permanently suspending their accounts

Local Muslim leaders and representatives of other faiths protest an appearance by former FBI agent John Guandolo, now a leading anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist and hate monger.

Donald Trump has unleashed a flood of white supremacist and other right-wing violence in the United States.

New York Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney says in a radio interview on Wednesday that “so many” mass murderers “end up being Democrats.”

Several of the 23 suspects arrested in a drug-ring roundup are members of the racist Aryan Brotherhood of Texas.

Conservatives are crying four after Twitter prunes more suspected trolls and fake accounts from its platform.

The federal agency processing citizenship applications removes its mission statement describing the United States as a nation of immigrants.

The FBI’s war on black-owned bookstores.

Colorado State University officials dismiss claims the university or its police “in any way” were supportive of neo-Nazis at a demonstration earlier this month.

Medium makes changes, saying it won’t allow posts engaging in campaigns of targeting, harassment, hate speech, violence or disinformation.

Eric Carbonaro, 19, pleads guilty to a hate crime for spray-painting swastikas and Nazi graffiti at a Jewish cemetery in upstate New York in October 2016.

The Norwegian black metal band Taake disputes reports that it backs anti-Muslim lyrics and Nazi sympathies, 11 years after its lead singer appeared on stage with a swastika painted on his chest.

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