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Hatewatch Headlines 2/20/2018

The National Hockey League deals with racial taunts from fans; a KKK robe is sold at auction during Black History Month; anti-KKK fliers are turning up in Indiana, and more.

The $1,300 purchase price of a KKK robe in an estate auction went to a Nigerian student after a citizen raised a ruckus.

After hockey fans are ejected for racist taunts, Blackhawks lone black player “there’s a lot more racism than you guys think.”

: Hyatt Hotels says it will host a two-day conference in September for Act for America, the nation’s largest anti-Muslim hate group.

: The editorial board ofThe Harvard Crimsonhas accused a campus Christian group of giving “a platform to homophobia, conversion therapy, and hate” after an ex-gay Christian woman spoke to the organization.

Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison faces questions about his relationship with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the black nationalist and antisemitic conspiracy theorist.

Anti-KKK flyers and graffiti are turning up on businesses in Lafayette, Indiana.

A black man describes how he convinced a Ku Klux Klanimperial wizard to renounce his membership in the racist group.

Evangelical ethics are being rewritten as the religious right embraces Donald J. Trump, including his comments on racists.

New “religious exemption” laws in various states represent a thinly-veiled assault against the rights of LGBT people.

These are must-see movies to celebrate Black History Month.

Conspiracy celebrity Alex Jones says the Florida high school shooting may be a “false flag” and Democrats are suspects.

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