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Hatewatch Headlines 2/13/2018

Sessions praises sheriffs’ ‘Anglo-American heritage’; DOJ aims to cut key office; Nehlen suspended from Twitter over Markle post; and more.

: AG Jeff Sessions praises sheriffs for upholding ‘Anglo-American heritage’ of policing.

: The Justice Department wants to do away with a Civil-Rights-era ‘peacemaker’ office.

: What is AtomWaffen? It’s a neo-Nazi group now linked to multiple murders.

: Alt-right GOP candidate Paul Nehlen suspended from Twitter after racist Meghan Markle post.

: Cheddar Man is black! Scientific find strikes another racial panic for white supremacists.

: White nationalists’ favorite social network raises $5 million in funding.

: Anti-abortion group Operation Rescue has become fully ‘red-pilled’ by an 8chan conspiracy theory.

: Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin’s attorney calls activist groups, press a ‘phalanx of enemies.’

: Far-right radio host claims Barack Obama is forming a private army to assassinate government leaders.

: White-nationalist publisher gets boot from gym after anarchist site outs him as member.

: Virginia farmers respond brilliantly to racist backlash to their ‘Reject White Supremacy’ sign.

: ‘Not the right kind of Catholic’: Teacher fired days after her same-sex wedding.

: Official’s Facebook post compares immigrants to ‘rabid, messy, mean raccoons.’

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