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Hatewatch Headlines 1/16/2018

Recalling how King faced his own ‘fake news’; Black people get little counseling for racial trauma; How the alt-right twists social science to justify racism; and more.

: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: A history in rumor.

: Here’s how Republicans are whitewashing the memory of Dr. King this year.

: Black Americans suffer most from racial trauma, but few counselors are trained to treat it.

: How the alt-right uses social science to make their racism respectable.

: A look at how white supremacists recruit online.

: Donald Trump’s racism: The definitive list.

: Here are the six most misleading euphemisms for Trump’s racist rhetoric and unhinged behavior.

: Meet Peter Imanuelsen, aka Peter Sweden, the alt-right’s favorite Swedish conspiracy theorist.

: Alex Jones says media will soon claim that Trump rapes and eats Haitian babies.

: After 30 years in the U.S., but too old for DACA, metro Detroit immigrant deported to Mexico.

: Ronnie Lucas Wilson, neo-Nazi suspected in police shooting, captured in Blount County.

: Forgotten in the classroom: The post-Civil War Reconstruction era.

: After successfully bringing down her local Confederate monuments, this activist says she’s running for office.

: After drubbing by the press, ambassador to the Netherlands apologizes for anti-Muslim remarks.

: The battle over racial gerrymandering is once again headed to the Supreme Court.

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