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Hatewatch Headlines 11/8/2017

Conspiracy theories spread about shooter; Bundy legal team stocked with extremists; NBC normalizes ‘Proud Boys’ in segment; and more.

: Here’s how a false conspiracy theory about the Texas shooter being antifa went viral.

: No, the Texas church shooter was not a Muslim convert named ‘Samir al-Hajeed,’ either.

: Bundy’s legal team includes a birther, an alleged Ponzi schemer, and an ex-white supremacist.

: Half of white millennials believe discrimination against whites is as big a problem as people of color face.

: NBC just dangerously normalized the misogynistic alt-right associated ‘Proud Boys.’

: Shopify is helping to monetize the latest white-nationalist meme, ‘It’s Okay to Be White.’

: Please enjoy this interviewer embarrassing a breathtakingly smug Richard Spencer.

: Pamela Geller predicts ‘no-go zones’ in United States within the next 10 years.

: Virginia school-board candidate targets high-school student in wildly transphobic TV ad.

: White-nationalist ‘True Cascadia’ posters upset local residents, spur confrontations.

: Some of America’s most notorious anti-LGBT activists are in Egypt as that nation arrests gay men.

: Massachusetts governor revives hate-crimes panel because of uptick in incidents.

: Despite armed protests, CAIR-Arizona banquet gets a record turnout.

: Six Miami firefighters fired after noose, lewd drawings targeting black colleague are found.

: Police in Michigan search for hate-crime suspect who allegedly beat up 17-year-old boy ‘because he’s gay’.

: Swastika, anti-Semitic graffiti under investigation at Macalester College campus.

: Jewish students in Lehigh County besieged with hateful online messages, ADL reports.

: White nationalist banners reported hanging from freeway overpasses in Tacoma, Gig Harbor.

: The Hate Report: A swastika pumpkin and KKK propaganda on Halloween.

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