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Hatewatch Headlines 10/31/2017

The neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer is in a primarily black country; American Family radio hosts says Muslims should be banned from Congress; a new development in the Trump Administrations transgender ban in the military, and more.

– The neo-Nazi web site Daily Stormer is being hosted on a Caribbean island where 85 percent of the population identifies as African or black.

– A new report says the Muslim population in the United States is younger than the U.S. population as a whole, and Millennials account for 52 percent of American Muslim adults.

-- LGBTQ people in Rochester, New York, have formed the Trigger Warning Queer & Trans Gun Club “due to the need for protection against the increasingly bold Alt-Right and Neo-Nazis.”

-- A federal judge partially blocks the Trump Administration’s proposed transgender military ban, saying a group of transgender service members have a strong chance of having the ban declared unconstitutional.

– White House Chief of Staff John Kelly tells Fox News that Civil War Gen. Robert E. Lee “was an honorable man” and lack of compromise, not slavery, led to the  deadly conflict between the North and the South.

-- More than 3,000 residents in Burien, Washington, receive flyers listing names, home addresses and alleged crimes committed by suspected undocumented immigrants in the debate over sanctuary cities.

– American Family Radio host Bryan Fischer says “Muslims can and should be excluded from Congress.”

-- A new White House ban on refugees from 11 countries is blocking nearly half of all refugees seeking entry into the U.S., an ABC News data study shows.

-- Alt-right organizers of the deadly August rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, used a messaging service called Discord, originally created for video gamers.

– Iowa Rep. Steve King, a long-time darling in white nationalist and alt-right circles, tweets that he went “peasant hunting” with Donald Trump Jr.

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