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Hatewatch Headlines 10/17/2017

Russia’s global alliances with white nationalists; Trumpers meet theocrats at conclave; Mississippi town finally desegregates its schools; and more.

: Inside Russia’s alliance with white nationalists across the globe – including the USA.

: Alt-right Trumpers meet theocrats at right-wing conclave, birthing a new kind of fascism.

: At Values Voters, Brigitte Gabriel claims refugees ‘hate America’ and are ‘working against our own country.’

: Should we use the ‘T-word’ for right wing violence?

: I went undercover at a boot camp for young conservatives, and found casual bigotry and white-supremacist rhetoric.

: New York woman receives death threats against her children after ‘unmasking’ KKK members.

: A small Mississippi town just desegregated its schools, 60 years late.

: Students in New Jersey high school walk out after teacher demands they ‘speak American.’

: New lawsuit involving the billionaire Mercer family behind Bannon is rather eye-opening.

: Trump reportedly joked that Vice President Pence ‘wants to hang’ all gays.

: Trump was asked to explain his support for anti-LGBT extremist Moore, and it didn’t go well.

: Voter-fraud commissioner Adams fearmongers about immigrants mistakenly voting in Philadelphia.

: America loves plausible deniability, and Milo and the alt-right have blown theirs away.

: Far-right Christian activist David Lane makes mischief while rewriting history.

: 20 top political scientists survey the American landscape, and they’re scared for democracy.

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