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Hatewatch Headlines 9/26/2017

Court lets Texas sanctuary cities ban proceed; SCV keeps insisting it’s about heritage; EPA’s environmental rollback is racial twofer; and more.

: Appeals court allows Texas to ‘enforce the core’ of its sanctuary-cities ban.

: Republicans’ new immigration bill is so ridiculous it could take 15 years to become a citizen.

: Donald Trump, white supremacy and the discourse of panic.

: The Sons of Confederate Veterans insist Southern heritage isn’t about slavery and racism, a ‘lost cause’ if ever there were one.

: Watch Steve Bannon completely ignore a question about the racism fueling the alt-right.

: Milo’s dumb ‘free speech’ stunt cost UC-Berkeley $800K and nothing really happened.

: Yiannopoulos falsely suggests a Mic reporter is a ‘neo-Nazi’ with fake Hatewatch page.

: Trump’s EPA gets a twofer — roll back environmental regulations and hurt people of color all at once.

: Trump judicial nominee said transgender children are evidence of ‘Satan’s plan.’

: Alabama candidate Roy Moore says he would use military force to stop illegal immigration.

: The last surviving founder of the old White Citizens’ Councils dies at 95.

: Worker fired after Conway restaurant hosts gathering of white supremacists, owner says.

: Study finds hate crimes risen pronouncedly in Long Beach in past year.

: Racially charged threats against Cal State Long Beach students under investigation.

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