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Hatewatch Headlines 9/19/2017

New report shows hate crimes rising in Trump era; Anglin served lawsuit on the run; ‘Weev’ tossed from yet another social-media platform; and more.

: New report offers proof of rise in hate crimes in the United States in the Trump era.

: Daily Stormer’s Andrew Anglin, still on the run, served lawsuit via Ohio newspaper.

: What kind of free speech platform won’t let you tell people to blow up buildings full of Jews?

: Why radical racists revere Russia.

: UC Berkeley says student group missed deadlines to reserve venues for Milo’s ‘free speech week.’

: ‘Did they rape you?’ Armed right-wing militiamen surround and verbally assault protester at D.C. rally.

: Antifascists used Twitter to find a neo-Nazi in Seattle who had harassed bus riders and beat him up.

: University of Virginia to remove Confederate plaques, ban open flames after white supremacist march.

: The women fighting for white male supremacy.

: Pepe the Frog’s creator sending takedown notices to far-right sites that hijacked his character.

: Judge says it’s OK for businesses to discriminate so long as they write about it on Facebook.

: Calling attorneys his ‘political and biological enemies,’ Dylann Roof seeks new ones for federal appeal.

: Antisemitic flyers found at University of Houston as neo-Nazis continue college recruitment efforts.

: University of Michigan police investigate racist graffiti on dormitory doors.

: Why one Portland comics convention has banned all Nazi costumes.

: A racist letter was left at the first-ever black business in this small California town.

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