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Hatewatch Headlines 9/6/2017

Americans confront the Nazi-neighbor question; Gorka claims far right isn’t a threat; Spencer likely to keep plaguing college campuses; and more.

: Many Americans are confronting an alarming question: ‘Are many of my fellow citizens Nazis?’

: Sebastian Gorka claims that right-wing extremists are not a ‘serious threat’ in America.

: Trump has never been less popular — and never more clearly the head of the party of racial resentment.

: Far-right Sheriff David Clarke was in talks for Trump White House job — until John Kelly killed it.

: How Russian and alt-right Twitter accounts worked together to skew the narrative about Berkeley.

: Neo-Nazi National Alliance resurrected in flyer campaign targeting Iowa-Illinois border towns.

: Why colleges likely will have trouble keeping Richard Spencer off their campuses.

: Republican district attorney under fire for not vetting staffer linked to Richard Spencer.

: How one reporter found herself writing about Dylann Roof, the Charleston mass shooter.

: Story about Houston mosque refusing to help non-Muslims is fake news.

: San Francisco police arrest 19-year-old accused of attacking Asian women.

: Outspoken white nationalist at Fort Sanders rally was once active in Occupy and communist groups.

: Descendant of Robert E. Lee resigns from church after blasting white supremacy on TV.

: Alt-right ‘Identity Dixie’ flyers posted in Warrenton before anti-white-supremacy march.

: White nationalist arrested after anti-LGBT attack in Asbury Park, group says.

: Pressured by activists, Holly Oak bar owner cancels alleged neo-Nazi bands show.

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