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Hatewatch Headlines 8/30/2017

McInnes’ ‘Proud Boys’ are the new extremism; VNN keeps going amid other site shutdowns; Jones says Trump liked warnings of civil war; and more.

: How hate goes mainstream: Gavin McInnes and the ‘Proud Boys.’

: Have you experienced hate speech on Facebook? We want to hear from you.

: Missouri-based white supremacist website keeps going while others are being shut down.

: Alex Jones claims President Trump ‘really liked’ Roger Stone’s predictions about civil violence.

: What the media got wrong about last weekend’s protests in Berkeley.

: Five alarming revelations about white supremacists in the aftermath of Charlottesville.

: ‘We don’t pretend this is over’: After Charlottesville, campuses brace for more trouble.

: Tiki torch with “See You Soon” message found on North Carolina campus.

: Georgia Republican warns black attorney she ‘may go missing’ if she tries to remove Confederate monument.

: Rep. Steve King thinks undocumented immigrants brought here as children should turn in their parents.

: White supremacists don’t deserve tax exemptions.

: Arpaio’s attorneys say he’s unhappy that he’s been labeled a racist.

: The Gorka who matters – and loathes the CVE program – is still working for the Trump administration.

: In Utah and elsewhere, state and federal officials excuse extremist antigovernment rhetoric too readily.

: Nevada-Reno student who went to Charlottesville rally resigns from campus escort job.

: What’s the protocol for dealing with hate speech at work?

: Pepe creator Matt Furie has reclaimed his cartoon frog from an alt-right children’s book.

: Anti-LGBT rights political committee fueled by Liberty Counsel ramps up in Jacksonville.

: St. Peter gay couple shaken by threatening anti-LGBT letter.

: No penalties for neo-Nazi responsible for anti-Semitic banners on freeways ahead of eclipse.

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