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Hatewatch Headlines 8/24/2017

Law enforcement sees rising far-right terror threat; White supremacists anti-LGBT bigots too; Militias coming together with radical racists; and more.

: Law enforcement experts fear Trump is fueling a rising terror threat from white supremacists.

: ‘F--- you, f------’: The anti-LGBT bigotry of white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

: Here’s how Trump and his antifa opponents are helping to merge militia groups and white supremacists.

: Armed militias won’t stop after Charlottesville, and that worries law enforcement.

: Anti-fascist protesters fall into neo-Nazis’ trap by confronting them with violence.

: The hunt is underway for ways to combat online radicalization.

: Nearly 30 million Americans think it’s OK to have neo-Nazi views.

: There’s an insidious ideological pipeline from libertarianism to the alt-right.

: United Nations committee warns U.S. over ‘alarming’ racism in wake of Charlottesville.

: National Socialist Movement gathering in Eau Claire canceled amid wide community opposition.

: Federal judge says Arizona's ban on Mexican American studies is racially discriminatory.

: South Jersey seller of hate music says he is shutting down to find ‘self peace.’

: Stanislaus State protesters ask school to expel leader of Identity Evropa white-nationalist group.

: John Guandolo says left-wing groups are the ‘leading edge’ in an Islamic conspiracy to overthrow the U.S.

: Man facing hate-crime charge after verbal attack outside MAX train station.

: Did murders of roommates expose a neo-Nazi domestic-terrorism plot in Florida?

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