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Hatewatch Headlines 8/15/2017

Trump denounces hate groups; OKC plot suspect linked to ‘III%’ group; More Confederate monuments now targeted for removal; and more.

: Bowing to pressure, Trump denounces hate groups by name.

: Suspect in Oklahoma City bombing plot claimed support for ‘III Percent’ antigovernment group.

: White nationalists’ protest over Confederate monument may end up getting others removed.

: Durham protesters topple Confederate statue at old courthouse.

: Illinois Senate passes resolution asking police to recognize neo-Nazis as terrorists.

: Here’s a reminder that the hatred we saw in Charlottesville is everywhere.

: FBI, DHS warned of increased threat from white supremacists back in May.

: White-nationalist rally at Texas A&M featuring alum Richard Spencer has been cancelled.

: Spencer scheduled to speak at University of Florida event in September.

: ‘Proud Boys’ founder McInnes cancels plans to attend Boston ‘free speech’ rally.

: How Charlottesville became the symbolic prize of the far right.

: A reformed white nationalist speaks out on Charlottesville.

: Militiamen came to Charlottesville as neutral 1st Amendment protectors, leader claims.

: Twitter is identifying those white-supremacist marchers, and you can help.

: The alt-right media at first framed the wrong person in car attack, labeled him an anti-Trump druggie.

: Massachusetts cop praises white nationalist running over protesters, but claims he’s not racist.

: Trump ‘seriously’ considering a pardon for Arizona ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio.

: American tourist gives Nazi salute in Dresden, Germany, and is beaten up for it.

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