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Hatewatch Headlines 8/11/2017

Who’s coming to Charlottesville? Trump admin closing civil rights cases in a hurry; Gorka thinks people are too critical of white nationalists; and more.

: A guide to who’s coming to the largest white nationalist rally in a decade.

: Andrew Anglin tells neo-Nazi troll army, ‘We have to be sexy’ at the big rally.

: Trump administration is closing civil-rights cases at an increased rate.

: White House adviser Gorka says people should stop criticizing white supremacists so much.

: No, the Obama administration did not invent the term ‘lone wolf,’ and there have been many non-Islamist terrorism plots.

: Pro-Trump CNN commentator Jeffrey Lord fired after tweeting a Nazi salute.

: We sent Alex Jones’ Infowars health supplements to a lab for analysis, and here’s what they found.

: After years of conspiracy theories about Obama holding onto office, half of Republicans say they’d postpone 2020 vote for Trump.

: Breitbart editor triggered by Vogue cover with Jennifer Lawrence as the Statue of Liberty.

: Trump Ag pick Sam Clovis stoked Birther conspiracies, called Eric Holder a ‘racist black.’

: White-nationalist group sends cash donation to anti-immigration activists.

: Self-proclaimed neo-Nazis charged with stealing cars and dealing meth.

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