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Hatewatch Headlines 8/9/2017

‘Unite’ rally will mark a convergence of the far right; Alt-righters smear McMaster; White House suggests mosque attack might have been faked; and more.

: Alt-right, Nazis and KKK to emerge from behind keyboards to form ‘largest racist protest in decades.’

: ACLU, Rutherford challenge city’s decision to move site of ‘Unite the Right.’

: 'The most well-organized campaign in the history of the alt-right' is targeting H.R. McMaster.

: White House defends silence on mosque bombing, says it might have been faked by liberals.

: The decades-long campaign to cut legal immigration gains ground in the Trump White House.

: Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department backs another assault on the right to vote.

: Sheriffs and anti-immigrant hate groups are teaming up nationwide to spout nativist claptrap.

: Man fatally shot while defending gay friends from threatening slurs.

: On average, nine mosques have been targeted every month this year so far.

: Trump-supporting school board president in California panics about sex education turning kids gay.

: Far right alternative-media figures think the ‘Google Manifesto’ proves them right.

: Pat Robertson says ‘totally bogus’ Fox News scandals are part of a conspiracy to destroy the network.

: The rise of the racist bots: How AI is learning all our worst impulses.

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